Project Description
In Q4 2015, 23 SCF providers have participated in an ‘Open Request for Information’ on behalf of 4 large Dutch Corporates (Heineken, Unilever, Philips, and Randstad) that wanted to bring SCF solution to their smaller suppliers.
SCF solutions, such as reverse factoring, supplier financing and dynamic discounting, allow a supplier to gain faster access to cash due from invoices. However, the cost and complexity of on-boarding smaller suppliers means that many have been unable to take advantage of the SCF programmes offered by their larger customers.
This project has allowed for direct comparison of all leading SCF vendors for the first time and has improved transparency for participating Corporates. C2FO, ING, Orbian, PrimeRevenue, Santander and Taulia were named as the six shortlisted vendors and were able to present their responses during the SCF Community Forum in Amsterdam in December 2015.
A brief summary of the results is published in The Paypers: B2B Fintech: Payments, Supply Chain Finance & E-Invoicing Guide 2016 on pages 50 and 51 (click here)
If you are looking for more information please contact us via our contact page