Capital Chains - Supply Chain Finance - Banner Website 2022

Our Story

Capital Chains is an independent Netherlands-based firm, specialised in training and consultancy services on working capital optimisation and financial supply chain management issues. We support (larger) corporates, (non-) financial institutions, FinTech’s, and supply chain solution providers with their journey to consider, implement, or optimise their Supply Chain Finance (SCF) programs/offerings.

-> Read more about our view on the scope of Supply Chain Finance here.

Our overarching goal is to introduce real change to the financial supply chain, and create value for all supply chain partners within the eco-system.

Our Mission and Vision Statement

Our mission is to accelerate both the provision and adoption of SCF solutions. By turning financial supply chains into value creators, our vision is to close the trade finance gap for SMEs through sustainable SCF solutions. We are financial game changers.

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Why Our Clients Choose Us

Our main value added is time, and more specifically a reduction in time. We have consistently reduced our client’s time to market and accelerated their SCF journey. This acceleration is based on the four pillars that reflect our companies’ DNA:

  • Focus on Supply Chain Finance: You know your business, we are experts in Supply Chain Finance, as we focus on nothing else but SCF.
  • Global Network of Industry Leading SCF Solution Providers: We cherish long-standing personal contacts with a wide network of decision-makers that are working for (larger) corporates, (non-) financial institutions, FinTech’s, and supply chain platforms across the globe.
  • Independent Advice: We sell knowledge and expertise that is benefitting our client’s and their unique needs. In our opinion, the only way to continue to do so is to remain independent of any solution provider in the market.
  • Our Track Record: We have had the pleasure of working with clients from all disciplines within the supply chain finance eco-system. Landmark deals were closed in both developed as well as emerging markets in multiple geographies. Our experience has resulted in a wealth of best practices and the development of proven methodologies, and continues to grow with each new project we complete. Read more about our track record here.
1. Focus on Supply Chain Finance Consulting and Training 2. A Global Network 3. Independent Advice 4. Our Trackrecord
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Capital Chains accelerates the provision and adoption of SCF solutions

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Our Track Record

SCF Provider Selection for Afreximbank2020-09-01T15:20:08+02:00
Trainings with The Cool Connection2020-10-01T11:58:08+02:00
SCF Consultancy and Training for Bank Alfalah with IFC (World Bank Group)2021-05-28T14:39:10+02:00
SCF Feasibility Study for Hitachi Capital2020-05-29T08:37:44+02:00
Working Capital Analysis for KPN2019-04-11T15:13:39+02:00
SCF Consultancy for Afreximbank2019-04-11T15:03:04+02:00
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Capital Chains accelerates the provision and adoption of SCF solutions

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