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In Partnership with Muhakat Institute in Amman

Course Objectives

– Creating the link between Supply Chain and Finance

– Understand the levers impacting the various components of working capital in order to challenge stakeholders accountable for them

Discussion Topics

– Provide participants with a global view of the Cash to Cash cycle and introduce the concepts of DSO, DPO and DIO.

– (Supplier) Market Segmentation, the importance of knowing, and deciding on, who you are dealing with Demand Planning / Forecasting (Focus on Finance) from both a corporate’s and a financial institution’s perspective.

– Three stages: optimize results to comply with existing policies – optimize policies – challenge the business model

– Supplier Relationship Management (SRM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Risk Management

– Working capital management in the connected supply chain.

– Supply Chain Finance strategy as a growth enabler or disabler and the relation to SRM, CRM and Risk Management.

– The implications of the ongoing Globalization in Trade.

– Trends in Technology (Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and SCF)

– Allow participants to exchange views on the module in small groups, to highlight main points and to start building their own action plan

Interactive Element in the Training

The Cool Connection is a business simulation aimed at bridging the physical and financial supply chain

Round 1: Interaction between SCM & Finance

Round 2: Financial Supply Chain Management.

Round 3: The Mechanics of Supply Chain Finance

Round 4: Complexities in International Trade


Basic Finance & Supply Chain Knowledge

Targeted Audience

Supply Chain Professionals who wants to learn more about finance, ideal titles would be Supply Chain Managers, Inventory Managers, Procurement Managers and Supervisors .

How to Register?

Contact Muhakat Institute via their website or contact us directly here.

Not able to make it this time or looking for a slightly different training setup? Click Here

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